Saturday, February 26, 2011

How To Install Windows Darck

Public Administration Sicilian ...

The government in Sicily 'and' too sticky; Officials there are many correct, but also very corrupt, using the bureaucratic inertia, which we rightly complain about entrepreneurs who want to invest in the island, to get benefits and illegal profits. " And 'the complaint councilor Regional Economics, Gaetano Armao, who spoke at the conference 'white collar, gray zone and mafias'. The remedy for the government official Lombardo, and 'the simplification of public administration, computerization and digitization of the proceedings: "In the computerized procedures, in fact, there is no' need to meet officials and to know, obtain permits, visas, or to solicit signatures. " Just this week, the Regional Assembly is considering legislation on administrative simplification: "To fight corruption and mafia in Sicily this reform - he explains - and 'an indispensable tool and parliamentarians of all political forces can give, responsibly, timely response the expectations of citizens and businesses. "
for weapon it is also defined within the very short term, the transfer to the Region and to local goods confiscated from the Mafia. In Sicily, in fact, 'allocated 45 per cent of assets property confiscated from the mafia and a similar proportion regard the goods in cash and securities from the Island. "We can not continue to pay nearly four million vacation properties that are home to departments and offices to companies 'property now' state," he added . Armao has proposed to the European Commission in the reshaping of EU funds to use funds for their new functions in favor of local authorities and voluntary associations: "The prefect Morcone, in the coming days, we will define when and how to transfer those and other goods to the region and local authorities. "(AGI) Mrg


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