Sexual violence "Mild" child .... Thirty tons of Pesticides
It speaks for itself. They had invented an amendment really nice . quietly, in the draft law on wiretapping had pushed the 1707 amendment, the one that introduced the term "minor sexual violence" against minori.Firmatari PDL and some senators who proposed the abolition of the League arrest in flagrante delicto in cases of sexual violence against children, though - in fact - of "minor." without specifying as to take place, in practice, a violence sexual "minor" against a bambino.Dopo the complaint of the Democratic Party, in the center-right there was the stampede, the "but not Losada," the "I did not understand," the "not think it was such "united Berlusconi inevitable" you have misunderstood. " Then, finally, a deputy discovered the signatories of the amendment 1707. sen. Maurizio Gasparri (PDL) , sen. Federico Bricolo (Lega Nord Padania), sen. Gaetano Quagliariello (PDL), sen. Roberto Centaro (PDL), sen. Filippo Berselli (PDL), sen. Sandro Mazzatorta (League NordPadania) sen. Sergio Divina (Lega Nord Padania ) . S
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