Monday, February 28, 2011
Saturday, February 26, 2011
How To Install Windows Darck
for weapon it is also defined within the very short term, the transfer to the Region and to local goods confiscated from the Mafia. In Sicily, in fact, 'allocated 45 per cent of assets property confiscated from the mafia and a similar proportion regard the goods in cash and securities from the Island. "We can not continue to pay nearly four million vacation properties that are home to departments and offices to companies 'property now' state," he added . Armao has proposed to the European Commission in the reshaping of EU funds to use funds for their new functions in favor of local authorities and voluntary associations: "The prefect Morcone, in the coming days, we will define when and how to transfer those and other goods to the region and local authorities. "(AGI) Mrg
Friday, February 25, 2011
Dragon Ball Bed Setings

sen. Maurizio Gasparri (PDL) , sen. Federico Bricolo (Lega Nord Padania), sen. Gaetano Quagliariello (PDL), sen. Roberto Centaro (PDL), sen. Filippo Berselli (PDL), sen. Sandro Mazzatorta (League NordPadania) sen. Sergio Divina (Lega Nord Padania ) . S
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Well Separated Bumps Definition

Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Monday, February 21, 2011
Hiv Test 6 Weeks Accuracy

Viola is a sweet little doll. The fox is his favorite animal. Viola loves the dots. Viola radiates happiness! (Sold in my shop virtual)
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Friday, February 18, 2011
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Monday, February 14, 2011
Build Your Own Fireplace Mantel Free Plans
Text of the debate: the debate: "Afghanistan and not only that democracy exported variable geometry", Rome, Monday, February 14
Di Francesco Martone
"Say democracy has become a prime example of the lack of meaning. By dint of representing the entire political virtuous and the only way to ensure the common good, the word has come to absorb and dissipate any problematic character, any possibility of questioning ... The word democracy means everything, politics, ethics, law, civilization, and then says nothing. "
Jean Luc Nancy
"Democratie, Etat dans that?", Editions La Fabrique, 2009
" What is happening in Egypt today is a global condemnation of the order, so far as that represented by Egypt "stable" (...). In a time when state-building is central to the doctrines of security, and in which the foreign military presence in Afghanistan is based on a scientific approach to the legitimacy and governance systems, the events in Tunisia and Egypt remind us that social order and political legitimacy are more the result of unpredictable alchemy that the product formulas exact .
World Politics Review, February 2011
These two observations provide useful ideas to try to understand what are today, ten years since the war in Afghanistan, the contradictions inherent in the practice of democracy-building at the table, and what are the critical points on which insist on trying to build an alternative paradigm to the existing one.
essential prerequisite for this exercise is to analyze the concept the export of democracy in close correlation with the processes and choices that underlie the political and military, and first clarify the concepts of "state building" and "nation building".
According to the definition made by Francis Fukuyama in his " Exporting democracy - the Empire State Building and World Order in the XXI century " the two concepts have substantial differences.
a. "state building" is the creation of institutions Government
b. "nation building" concerns the political power exercised by the occupying authorities or directly to local governments.
These two objectives often come into conflict with the risk of cutting an autonomous process of democratization. On the one hand the lack of democratic institutions to prevent the "nation building" and other institutions can not function if the warring parties do not accept the status.
In principle, this contradiction is highlighted by several cases in support or "export" democracy.
There is the case of countries that have governance structures, institutions established, think Iraq, in which the decision to invade the country has led to the collapse of each structure of the state. In this case the two practices of state-building "and" nation-building "is a corollary to the military choose to invade a country, taken apart and then build a case for democracy" perfect "and Western-style military protectorate.
Or the case of Haiti, or Somalia, which according to the jargon of those are considered "failed states, failed states, which no longer have the appropriate structures for ensure the management of public affairs, stability or the service of fundamental rights of their peoples. In this case the decision to determine if no state is "failed" or not is all done according to criteria developed in the capitals of the world minority, without trying to listen to the needs and demands of those populations that would suffer the effects of a failed state.
The discovery of the failure of a state, opens up the possibility of 'humanitarian intervention, justified the categorical imperative to intervene where the government of that country is failing in the enjoyment of fundamental rights of its citizens, The international community then decides or less to respond to the imperatives of order "ethics and morality" and act "on behalf" of those communities under threat following what is called "responsibility to protect". And then help rebuild the state and the political system. Again the realpolitik and "ethical foreign policy" will cross over and blend depending on what is perceived to be the national interest of those who decide to practice and humanitarian intervention. Can be seen in these cases some common elements, namely the conflict between realpolitik and ethical principles, the definition of the populations addressed the effects of external intervention benefits supposedly not intended as key players in the processes of reconstruction of public affairs and democratic systems, and the strong correlation between state-building, nation-building, humanitarian intervention and security doctrines and military strategies.
And if we come to Afghanistan.
In Afghanistan the "nation building" of the quota assigned to ISAF troops or U.S. military is being pursued through tactics of counter-Insurgenta rather than through the strengthening of the principle of legality and the reconstruction of the state, society and economy. The objective of strategy of counter-Insurgenta is to create the conditions for security and control of the territory by the presence of occupying forces.
The "state building" instead is assigned to a corrupt regime without legitimacy, established with sham elections, as demonstrated in the recent parliamentary elections. Even the illusion of being able to create a central authority and centralized in Kabul with the conformation of ethnic clashes in the country instead respond to a decentralized model and quasi-federal administration.
From the perspective of the Afghan people, there is no established sense of belonging to a single nation, and instead increases the level even armed resistance of local communities that do not bear the foreign military presence. Not at random according to U.S. intelligence most Afghan fighters today are not resisting the Taliban but local military presence in their territories. Some observers even envisage a scenario similar to that of Vietnam where the Viet Cong were able to administer and govern the territories under their influence and control, with a parallel system than the "official" government.
What kind of democracy is possible in a country where those who should build the state has no popular legitimacy, who should do "nation building" is in fact a troop of foreign occupation, where they are producing alternative and parallel systems of state-building "and" nation-building "by the Taliban, in public facilities where war criminals are recycled, and where the centralized state model is entirely inconsistent with the history of the country?
Add to this a further consideration. The history of these ten years of war in Afghanistan has been characterized by a continuous transformation of the political and military itself. Started as a reprisal attack on the Twin Towers art. 5 of NATO, then the goal of freeing the people of Afghanistan by the Taliban regime then again there with the objective of stabilizing and rebuilding the country, then flush with the aim of al Qaeda and fight the Taliban Insurgenta, now with the twin objectives of stabilizing the country and to prevent Pakistan from falling into the hands of fundamentalist forces Islamic.
This "rolling process", the only element of continuity continues to be the predominance of military strategy than the policy of reconstruction of a state that can ensure respect for the rights and dignity of his people. Consequently, the only relationship that exists between the government and its citizens is based on force, a situation in which the prospects for democratization are increasingly remote.
That said, if democracy is a system that resists and strengthens the extent to which people believe in it, and is therefore based on the example and persuasion rather than imposition, then it should be, ten years after 'beginning of the war a profound and radical change of direction.
First, make a "demilitarization" of the political process: as long as it does not break this deadly embrace, there can be no process of self-determination for the Afghan people. This means that the withdrawal of the NATO could take over a police contingent possibly formed by international troops from countries not participating in the conflict and with a clear mandate of the UN. It means that a strategy of counterinsurgency strategy will be replaced by a redistribution of power and social inclusion and policy, and explore the possibility of support systems of government inspired by the community structures and local political and administrative decentralization.
Second, you should support the proposal made by large social sectors of Afghanistan, a program of transitional justice that will serve to rebuild the social fabric through a process of truth and justice on human rights violations committed by all parties during the conflict and before it, the warlords, the Taliban occupation forces; In the history of commissions of truth and justice have played the central task of listening to the victims, including restitution of dignity, bringing to light the collective truth, as precondition of the transition to a system based on rights and justice. The judicial system today it does not guarantee the right of access to justice especially in rural areas, the county courts are inefficient, and local government non-existent.
Third, development cooperation will be reconsidered by focusing on meeting the basic needs of the population. Today, development cooperation is virtually in the hands of central government and the military and a tiny fraction of the funds should be dedicated to the territory to meet the basic needs of the population such as water, education, health, electricity. Was perceived as a provider of essential public services can strengthen their legitimacy in the local population,
Fourth, and the central premise of all possible activities in Afghanistan: the supposed "beneficiaries" of the Afghan people must be regarded as the central subject and not "subject to protection." Will therefore be sustained process of self-processing practices of participation from below, and assertion of rights and justice, because without citizens and citizens there can be any form of democratic government or a better way "Afghan" democracy.
Friday, February 11, 2011
Face Swells Before Period

Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Friday, February 4, 2011
Low Lymphocyte Count With Low Platelet Count
(February 4, 2011)
The risk of a bloodbath increases with the hours Tahrir Square, where for days stationed tens of thousands of demonstrators are calling for the immediate resignation of President Hosni Mubarak and elections paving the way for a new era of democracy and legality in the country. The novelty of the last days is the reaction, the tremendous backlash of the system, which is plunging the country into a civil war scenario. An outcome that nipped in the bud the possibility of a political movement and of the clergy and progressive.
tripped the time of repression, with the deployment of teams of thugs and provocateurs, the arrest of inconvenient witnesses, representatives of Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch and other NGOs, bloggers. Those brave young people who try to pierce the veil of silence that the regime is imposing on the media and communication in the knowledge that the web and international solidarity are two tools to strengthen the civil resistance of the opposition. It will be the case then to ask how is this possible backlash, what opportunities the Mubarak government is using to stay in power by promising reforms and a hypothetical transition smooth and controlled, and hires assassins and infiltrators to spread death among the demonstrators.
Mubarak will perhaps understand that the tentative positions taken by the international community's offer to shore groped the last card. To cause a destabilization of the total, to justify the continuation of an authoritarian system. The armed forces seem to be divided between loyalty to the president - who like his predecessors was a soldier - and the people, while police forces loyal the president try to break the umbilical cord that binds the revolutionaries to Tahrir Square to the rest of the world, hoping to break the resistance. The UN left the country, journalists are closed in hotels or suffer intimidation by the police, those Arabs invisible until a few weeks (as he calls them in his blog - - and a successful book, the journalist Italian Paola Caridi careful observer of the facts Egyptians), now in danger of disappearing again in the future equals the past suffered from too far.
more time passes the greater the chances of a hard turn, which takes riding the despot, while those who demonstrate in Cairo freedom and democracy, is likely to be gradually isolated from the rest of the population. A population that are currently present at the show down to Tahrir Square and soon you could be faced with the choice to support pro-democracy demonstrators or Mubarak, to choose between chaos and order crafted by the President imposed a sword by the same thread . In the midst of so many young people, ready to sacrifice the final, perhaps waiting for a strong signal of the international community. The ritual exhortations from the UN, European Union, the various international fora, even the International Monetary Fund (!) Appear to be tragically inadequate in the face of such a situation.
After the statements of fact the United States and European Union - measuring the balance between pragmatism and principles - have raised the level of condemnation and pressure, perhaps due to the persuasive action of Israel, or have dared to threaten the suspension of aid, up to $ 25 billion from Washington in the last 25 years into the coffers of the regime. Not to mention the paradox of EU aid to Egypt due to an association agreement came into force in June 2004 with the aim (sic) to promote political stability, economic development and regional cooperation.
The agreement as written on the European Union website encourages a regular political dialogue in bilateral and international contexts. Where was Europe since 2004, and where is it now? What is a statement condemning the violence if you do not have the courage to call for the same name who is responsible? No power that sits in the Security Council has dared to request the convening of an emergency meeting to assess developments, send a strong signal at a situation that could have repercussions at regional level, the prospect of total isolation of any government that arises from the blood of the Egyptians, drowning out the cry of despair. Meanwhile, news arrived from Yerevan in Armenia's upcoming mobilizations for democracy.
Faced with these facts, we, lovers of law and human rights, we feel lost and admired. Admired the courage, the willingness to sacrifice our peers overseas. Lost because we want to do something, give a sign of support or solidarity. This sense of a number of initiatives undertaken in recent days, from participation in a sit-in by representatives of the Egyptian community, a debate on the events in Tunisia and Egypt, to a garrison in front of the Egyptian embassy in Rome. Remain in the mind's eyes filled with tears of Rieti an Egyptian who has joined to the presidium of the Left today, Ecology and Freedom, which explained the complexity of crisis, and the tools available to Mubarak to suppress the Egyptian people, the presidential guard that is in fact an army of Praetorians willing to do anything. We
remains a possibility, to create opportunities, to help open up public spaces for the Egyptians who want to be there but are condemned to stay here, understand together how to support their progress towards democracy and freedom. We do this by opening channels through networking with migrant communities, helping to break the isolation, informing and counter, denouncing the existence of the Italian government complicit in the face of these tragic events. Because the dignity of the people is our dignity, their cry for freedom is ours, the crisis in Egypt is the crisis of a model of democracy without legitimacy.
As an observer on the website now says World Politics Review ( ) "What happens in Egypt today is a conviction that the global order so far represented by Egypt "stable" (...). In a time when state-building is central to the doctrines of security, and in which the foreign military presence in Afghanistan is based on a scientific approach to the legitimacy and systems Government, the events in Tunisia and Egypt remind us that social order and political legitimacy are more the result of unpredictable alchemy that the product formulas exact .
Francesco Martone
Knowndll Verification Fatal

Thursday, February 3, 2011
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Can Soy Candles Be Put On A Candle Warmer
In Japan, the domestic segment, has sold more electric pedal assisted bike that scooter. In total, reports the Daily Yomiuri Online, electric bicycles were purchased 381,721 against 380.242 million motorcycles.
So you are confirming electric bikes more popular, thanks to the fact that can be performed without a license. In addition, the batteries are more powerful, allowing a person to easily meet the climb without having to sweat too much. And the most popular automotive and motorcycle manufacturers have decided to follow the demand. He started Yamaha also produce and sell. Moreover, it is developing considerably the number of parking spaces with solar charging.
In July 2009, thanks to a new law in Japan is also possible to bring a bike and two children, this market has begun to produce a bike with three seats, the mama chari. The new bikes have become very popular among the mothers who can easily bring their children to school or around walks and activities. The interesting fact is that the electrically assisted bicycles also like young people who are giving up more and more scooters considered bulky, difficult to park and too costly in terms of maintenance.