Tuesday, December 14, 2010

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Forests test of climate negotiations in Cancun

There is a little discussed topic at the meeting on the fate of hundreds of Mexican indigenous groups and forest protection in exchange for financial support of developed countries, including Italy, which has begun to promise funds. The risk of land grabbing, to expel the indigenous communities and the forests turn into instruments of production of money, trampling on the rights and protection of ecosystems.

CANCUN - In the climate of mistrust that exists on the negotiations for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions of the COP16 United Nations in Cancun, there is little debate that an issue may decide the fate of hundreds of indigenous groups, the so-called programs REDD (Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation). Required a few years ago by the Coalition countries with tropical forests, primarily Panama, Costa Rica, Guyana, Papua New Guinea, to reactivate international negotiations at the UN on forest protection in exchange for financial support from the industrialized countries, including Italy, which has begun to promise funds. "These types of negotiations, however, are full of risks" - says Francesco Martone, of the NGO Forest Peoples Programme English 1, which accompanies the last two years as a political adviser to the indigenous delegations to the climate negotiations. The association Forest Peoples Programme, working in support to the indigenous peoples of tropical forests, for the recognition of their right to self-determination, to defend human rights and the ecosystems on which their livelihoods depend. A mechanism
risky. Last year in Copenhagen, was launched a program to support activities to protect forests REDD, for about $ 4 billion and today, in Mexico we discuss how to close the agreements. But what mechanism should provide incentives for REDD? Countries with tropical forests are committed to a date to be determined to reduce or stop deforestation in return would be rewarded with access to funds to cover the missed revenues of economic activities. REDD could provide an incentive to deforestation until the date set to be able to claim compensation higher and access to funds for REDD programs. "Forests as carbon sinks would be considered without giving full emphasis to other use values \u200b\u200band non-use, biodiversity, environmental services, and issues concerning the rights of indigenous peoples," says Martone. "The risk is to unleash what is known as land grabbing, a gold rush green expelling the indigenous communities and transforming the means of production forests in money."
The business of carbon. It is expected, in fact, that the projects can generate REDD carbon credits, and then open the forests to the carbon markets, allowing companies to continue to emit greenhouse gases to offset those emissions with the purchase of carbon credits. "An eventuality that has strong doubts about the marketing of forest that meets strong resistance from social movements, indigenous peoples and countries like Bolivia," said Martone. Indigenous peoples meeting in Cancun have developed specific requirements for governments not only in income but for the rest of the negotiations. "For many indigenous REDD is a menace, but also an opportunity to open a space for discussion with the respective governments, such as in Indonesia and Paraguay," says the director of Forest Peoples Programme. "This, provided that you acknowledge their fundamental rights, land, resources, self-determination, participation and prior informed consent, and their traditional knowledge. " All rights recognized in the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations and recognized recently by Canada, which together with the United States had not yet expressed in this regard.
The Italian position. REDD funding cuts and promised cooperation with the World Bank. In 2009 the Partnership was born in Copenhagen on an interim income, which joined the 54 countries, including Italy. At the last Conference on Biological Diversity in Nagoya, our country has announced the decision to allocate $ 100 million to international initiatives on income, including $ 5 million for a program administered by the World Bank, the so-called FCPF, Forest Carbon Partnership Facility 2. But where is the money given the cuts made to all funds for the cooperation in the Finance Act? "It is unclear, certainly from budgets of the Ministry of Environment since the announcement was made by the Minister Prestigiacomo," says Francesco Martone. "Certainly in times of cuts this financial commitment to bilateral cooperation opens up several questions, including the fragmentation of the funds of international cooperation between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Environment and Economy. These funds will be used to support programs that prepare for REDD initiatives, but it is not clear what are the conditions imposed Italy or if you ask the World Bank and other stakeholders to protect the rights or indigenous biodiversity or not to use the carbon markets. Whether or not these funds will be used to indirectly support business interests and Italian business in the forestry sector or through the purchase of emission permits. "
Decline of multilateral negotiations. Cancun could be a breaking point of the fatal role of the UN on the issue of climate change, according to Martone. The race to the bottom for a shared agreement seems to be the key to keep everyone at the negotiating table and hope for a more determined way to Durban in 2011. "Ambassador De Alba, Speaking at the meeting of the Indigenous Caucus, made it clear that this determination will not be sure from the rich countries but must be supplied by the civil society and the movements. " Movements, however, call for a sharp reversal of direction, towards the recognition of ecological debt and climate justice, and a clear exit from the trap of fossil fuels, rather than insisting on solutions such as carbon markets.

Paola Amicucci

Source: Repubblica.it


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