Todos somos Arizona
This morning I got up as usual I read the newspapers online, which speak of Berlusconi-Fini duel, the last post of my Facebook friends, and seen pictures posted by Sharon he would like to see even here with us. These are the images of thousands and thousands of Latino immigrants marching in the streets of New York, Chicago, Detroit, San Francisco, Los Angeles, people chained to a prison in Arizona to prevent further deportations, streamers fell from the bridge in Oakland against the racist law and freedom-approved by the Arizona Senate. (
A multi-national and national movement, organized with the support of movements for civil liberties in the U.S.. A grassroots movement of women and men directly claiming their rights of citizenship. I wonder where Barak Obama in all this. And I am reminded of a beautiful book that contains a conversation between Judith Butler and Gayatri Spivak, and the end of the nation state. There he discusses the paradox of Latino immigrants who sing the anthem in English American to claim his right to belong to that community, thanks to their presence becomes irreversible. Or the words of Alain Touraine is when the movement of the sans-papiers in his essay on strategies of resistance to neoliberalism. In short, the story of the migrant movement tells us many things, challenges us to think about new forms of political action, imagine the paths which focuses on the protagonist in the first person of the rights holders, those who have the right to mobility and citizenship. Then I start thinking of us, that with the Left, Environment and Freedom we're trying to build a political project, a common area where you can find today who wants to commit to a more just, peaceful, clean and fair. Turn to the different images of the meetings which I attended, I worry about the color consistency of our skins. I racked my brains the brain the fear that this party is under construction perhaps unknowingly (and this would be even worse), fails to represent the true Italian company, now multiethnic and multicultural. A party of only "Italian" and white (with some exceptions), covering issues such as immigration, just as if they were on anti-racism or promoting a new "welfare" (protection approach) or contrast to the repression (though the comparison is acceptable in terms of security). Not listen to the voices of the actors and can not do a burst of forward, trying to build a space of a joint initiative with the migrants and the second generations. This is all the more my party, a plural subject and "mestizo", which provides opportunities for innovative action, radical, inclusive and inclusive. And that is not afraid to contemplate between the instruments of his political action also sound practice of civil disobedience and nonviolent direct action.
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