Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Smoking Pot Burst Blood Vessel Eye

The pillars of the new policy

Try to draw a path that passes through the various processes that are aimed at our country's goal of transforming the politics is what difficult but not impossible. Certainly, the long-wave movements, and then practiced as theorized, is a period CROSSED originally defined karst, then without being able to grasp the features. The state of fatigue through the process of Social Forums, is perhaps the result of different expectations that are placed in these processes. Certainly in Italy, As elsewhere in Europe, these social movements are able partly to re-emerge on specific issues and specific, such as contrast to the processes of privatization of water, or climate change. To delineate the potential of a period of political crisis stronger - not just institutional - to the left, and it sounds even spread their left-wing and social terms, but will have to start with an act of self-criticism. Question - for example - on the grounds of the contemporary political crisis between the left and his disappearance from the scene institutional, el 'undeniable difficulties of "civil society" in proposing new projects and practice processes and the potential to affect deeply and re-enable the widespread commitment to another possible world. It will be necessary to ask whether that is the inability of the "political" institution to provide the right answers, is also due to the fact that these questions were posed in ways that have not had effects not only on the objective sought, but also the construction of new practices. The relationship between so-called civil society and political institutions in many instances was set to report vertical rather than horizontal. This applies not only to the "institutional policy" that has too often taken as an "icon" the most important instances of the movement and society civil, but also for those people who often preferred to deal with that level of politics only as a place of interest or relapse of their claims. The contemporary crisis - and obvious - the Left "politics" and - perhaps apparent - the left-wing political questions and then spread it on the principle and scope of the claim to autonomy of the social politics, and why such autonomy has not hit the mark ' effect of transforming - with a few exceptions - the forms and practices of representation and participation at the highest level. Let's step forward. Reality for economic solidarity today try to play a further investigation to "theoretical" on best practices of decrease, which is essential to strengthen the hypothesis of changing patterns of production and consumption. The real problem is that this is not enough. And not just because there are already so-called best practices, which insist on so-called "territories", but because while you are preparing to study theoretical models of a perfect society, in the outside world, where they develop and consume social conflict, people suffer a degenerative process of democracy that requires a collective effort of resistance, disobedience, and creativity in order to leave open spaces and defend minimum and practicability of law essential to the future work of reconstruction. Then there are those who continue to disputes urgently needed food, such as committees against the various harmful effects, nuclear, privatization of common goods. Are important processes that can help create a network of reality and people who can rebuild a connective tissue network, on issues and approaches that claim direct democracy, fundamental rights. This process of "democracy at kilometer zero", together with the mobilization of migrant organizations, help build a third pillar, in political jargon one would say that the transition from democracy in the "stakeholder" to that of the "rightsholder". That is the transition from traditional processes, typical of liberal democracy, where civil society was placed between the representations of the various interests involved, that the state would then helped mediate the processes of self-representation and vindication of rights holders, its a participatory and radical democracy. The problem here is to go further to help build a potential project for the company, a program that is political in that sense. There are some who draws from experiences overseas in the continent latinamericano in continuous turmoil, the inspiration to renew the policy. What the Latin American movements teach us is that in addition to the ethical point of reference "buen vivir ', there are three hypotheses workable policies: either to take power through traditional means of representation, and then exercise it in a more or less innovative, decide not to take power but to exercise power but not so much as in the "power" that comes from his own subjectivity , history and cosmology, (this is the case with many indigenous and social movements) or deal with the power and the institutional policy in a mode variable geometry, building projects that is common, but not hesitating to open conflict in order to keep the path of social transformation. These practices even though their context, circumstances and history of the peoples in those lands, are the urgent need to rework the concept of power, understood as "taking control room," but as an opportunity to serve the common good. It follows that democracy can not be considered a process performed but it is always in the pipeline, and feeds - and above all - the ability to activate and practice conflicts and disputes. Revolutions "citizens" in some Latin American countries it can not be confined to the practices of those governments, but derive meaning from the most profound changes taking place in those societies as a byproduct from the rise to power of political parties "progressive" . Other subjects then practice autonomy, trying to build its own space in the "liberated" a case of society as possible, accessible, alternative. Again these processes have great potential, in addition to resistance, open space to practice "other", a web of radical and critical theory paradigm, but at the same time as the construction of places of artistic and cultural production and processing. These processes and experiences prove that art, politics, and culture may be three separate instruments, but intrinsically related to a project to transform the existing. There are some who are trying to build new parties or political formations, essentially on a local or regional level, with the intention of being able to give representation to various instances of the "left" social. The idea of \u200b\u200bbeing able to articulate innovative forms of representation on a local basis, but can not ignore the need to recognize that today the political action - even if carried out locally owned and new municipalities - need a broader, places of Convergence and preparation that go beyond geographical boundaries and ideals of the so-called "territories". And let them try to practice this interrelationship between local and global, and vice versa which makes obsolete the very concept of "territory". We come to the last point of analysis In this rapid survey of analytical forms and practices of "good" policy. As said earlier, the parties 'traditional' left are the "disappeared" from the institutional stage, and they suffer a crisis of the proposal, development and identity. The galaxy of social left, despite the difficulties, continues to exist and operate in the country recognizes only partly in the left-wing parties. A disaffection that was expressed at a high rate of abstention in recent elections, and the shift of part of the consensus from other political formations in the name of renewal "moral" policy (see for example the rise of the "purple people") or the choice of the useful vote. The political parties of the left was affected in much the price of not being able to grasp the real innovations that came from the Socialist Left and widespread, and could still fall back on practices that have caused the virtual disappearance in our country. On this you will need to ask himself who now continues with great obstinacy and devotion to keeping alive nodes of resistance and alternative practices. The central question will be whether and under what conditions the "parties" may be fellow travelers, or rather are no obstacles, or even worse, irrelevant subject, in this process of reconstruction of good policy. Another stop on the way then that will be not to avoid a critical, responsible and practice, with the parties of the left, reaching even to contemplate the possibility of a pact of labor between the various components of the left "social" and then propose it to the parties of the left. An agreement between equal parties, which recognizes the equal dignity and the desire to experiment with new methods and practices around key issues. These include nuclear and water rights, rights of migrants, GLBQT and citizenship, justice and poverty in the country, the construction of peace through nuclear disarmament and support the resistance against the base in Vicenza. A paper two possible tasks, to continue in its efforts to resume the threads of the left, to the social and diffuse, and try to do the same with alternative media, from magazines, radio, bloggers, creating a virtual space - but also practical - for comparison and collective elaboration.
paper written for the magazine in April 2010


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