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Saturday, December 18, 2010
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A predictable failure, Copenhagen II, a step in the right direction, a lifeboat adrift for multilateralism. Never before this time groped to provide an unambiguous assessment of the outcome of the Cancun Conference appears to be complex exercise, given the different tracks of analysis possible. What could be the result of low profile that was now certain. It was enough to read the "text of the President" of the Working Group on Cooperation in off the end (dedicated to define the lines of work on the issues of adaptation, mitigation, technology transfer, finance) to note that in the plethora of verbs used to define the final decisions, there were few verbs that define some kind of commitment.
Among these ones - then confirmed in Cancun - definitely to launch a comprehensive program for reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD - Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation), a green background for the climate, a center for technology transfer, an institutional framework to manage the adjustment programs. The rest was given to what engineers call "rolling process " an ongoing process in which you decide not to decide, and to replace certain commitments, the option to keep open channels of negotiation.
The Mexican presidency had in fact opted for an alternative strategy to that implemented until then. Rather than thinking you can approve a comprehensive package of commitments and actions, it was decided to work on so-called " building blocks". A game in which the Lego brick by brick you rebuild the negotiating framework and called themselves piecemeal policy commitments and spending. Starting from the base, the bricks on which it was recorded in Copenhagen already a sort of consensus. Cunning diplomacy and delicate balancing acts have so characterized the management of the conference by the Presidency of Mexico. Already in Tianjin, the "vulgate" official pointed to a possible failure of Cancun in the coup de grace to a multilateral process already strained in Copenhagen, thanks to the nefarious management of the Danish Presidency and the coup carried out by Barack Obama and others countries that imposed a non-binding agreement in fact contradicts the most elementary rules of consent.
Then the "Copenhagen Accord "was" noticed "by the Conference of the Parties, it is not the official text of the negotiation, nor shared by some countries such as Bolivia, Ecuador. ALBA then seemed to be a new important player in global negotiations. Today, the final count of the post-Cancun, Bolivia is more isolated than ever. Ambassador Pablo Solon - with a few demonstration in support of fact made by the traditional allies (Nicaragua, Cuba, Ecuador) - has been left alone, like a David against Goliath, to reiterate the inadequacy of the final agreement, possible accomplice " genocide and ecocide "(as in his words). Today, the "Agreements of Cancun" ("Cancun Agreements") are accepted by all, to a greater or lesser extent, as a lowest common denominator needed to keep open the multilateral negotiation to the next Conference of Parties to Durban 2011.
What will be the scenario in the coming months is difficult to predict, but surely you can already guess who will be the issues on which negotiations will focus. First of all on the support of the second period 's implementation of the Kyoto Protocol, the Protocol severely tested in the crossfire of Canada, Japan, the United States, and finally from Russia who had announced his own in Cancun decision not to sign the second commitment period. Reflecting the unexpected opening of India and China are prepared to accept commitments to reduce emissions, in exchange for support for the Kyoto Protocol has helped to reshape the balance of power bargaining, providing the basic groups (Brazil, China, India and South Africa ) a leading role, leaving the U.S. and the corner, nestled between the revival of China and India and a Republican majority in Congress that can not tear it forward. If you can find a similarity with the negotiation of 2003 Cancun World Trade Organization is perhaps precisely that on increasing the role of countries BASIC which then gave the coup de grace to Doha Round, and now instead of a breath of fresh air to the Conference on Climate Change.
The Kyoto Protocol is so up, but tried hard: just read the parts related to emissions reduction commitments accepted in Cancun to understand his destiny. In a game of joints between the various documents needed to maintain a balance between the needs of developing countries and industrialized countries, has in fact confirmed the contents of the Agreement of Copenhagen. Stabilization of the growth temperature to 2 degrees above pre-industrial (which many believe still lethal, for example for small island states) but subject to revision in 2015 with a view to a possible reduction to 1.5 degrees. Some observers have taken this decision with satisfaction for the first time since the limit of 2 degrees would be included in an international agreement.
Instead of so-called MRV ( Monitoring Reporting and Verification ) the real irritant in the negotiations in recent months, was replaced by a system of verification "light", "non-intrusive" and "respectful of the sovereignty." In Cancun it was then finally fixed 1990 as the base year for calculating the level of emissions reductions, even if it leaves wide discretion for countries to decide on a different date. The real key to the tangle the relationship between reduction commitments and national mitigation plans, which - according to countries' s industrialization - are likely to be prohibitively expensive in relation to their growth prospects. Then the first node that the negotiations will have to dissolve to Durban this is what still holds the fate of the Kyoto Protocol for the mitigation plans. The Kyoto Protocol and on the "legal form" of the new binding agreement, the game is still open.
has extended by one year the mandate of the working group, with the goal of continuing to discuss the instrument to be adopted, namely whether to propose a new protocol, or a 'Appendix the old man. Or, if you follow the system - in fact entitled to Cancun - the so-called "pledge and review " proposed by the U.S. and the Copenhagen Agreement which is soaked: we are committed on paper to reduce emissions and from time to time and we verification. No penalty, no clear commitment. Under these conditions, the protocol would remain standing yes, but as a "sine imago King", an image without substance. On the issue of funding for programs on climate, was finally launched the Green Fund for Climate, whose structure will be defined by an ad hoc working group within the Durban Conference. This
fund will be under the authority of the Conference of the Parties, but for the first three years given to the World Bank that will act as trustee. A blow to a circle of the barrel for those who wanted the World Bank central player in funding for the climate and those who wanted it out. Too bad that you forget not indifferent to two details: first that the World Bank is the institution most involved in the development of public support for fossil fuels and the second that its role as trustee is found to be questionable and of limited effectiveness as attested by several internal reviews in progress. And how much money we talking about? In Cancun it reaffirms the commitment to allocate 30 billion dollars a year until 2012 and thereafter $ 100 billion, but where to find this money is still unclear.
On the one hand it should be noted that you have not taken any commitments on support for market mechanisms for financing mitigation programs, or for the construction of a global market in emissions permits, although it stressed the centrality of mechanisms flexibility required by Kyoto. Other hand, however nothing has been decided on spending commitments on public funds, and additional new and not recycled from development cooperation, that should be the main source of support for adjustment programs and mitigation.
The report drafted by the ad hoc working group consisting of Ban Ki Mun then identifies some assumptions such as a global carbon tax, or even a possible tax on financial transactions but did not have a major impact in the negotiations. Of course that is part of a clear signal from Cancun to the private sector, which can be seen in the "green economy" and in the transition towards a low carbon content an important opportunity. To read the final document of Cancun is clear that the whole issue of climate change remains firmly anchored to a paradigm of economic development and continues to see economic growth ("high growth") the major parameter of reference. This is perhaps the single biggest limitation of the negotiations: that of not envisage a real change of direction, a new model that can bring together environment, understood as environmental justice, and economics understood as the progressive disengagement from the myth of growth. On this work to be done is still a lot especially to create and strengthen the political demand from "below" that can contribute to diminish the misplaced confidence in the market model and growth. Leave all the destinies of the planet exclusively to international negotiations between states is likely to justify a race to the downside, if these negotiations are the only two driving forces behind the interest national states, or those of positioning in global governance, business opportunism. Because if
from Cancun, it was decided to keep alive the multilateral process, hours will be worth the trouble to ask what they are talking about multilateralism, as the role of civil society movements, municipalities, the non-state actors other than States was severely eroded. Who was in Cancun has not been observed to be very difficult to influence and follow the negotiations, nearly all in camera, and also take note of the fragmentation of the movements, gathered in a 4 coordinations and different initiatives that have certainly diluted the ability of political impact.
Beyond the specific issues related to climate and the energy model, which today more than ever need to be addressed mainly at national and local levels, Cancun and then leave us a clear message about the urgency of building new alliances between social movements and environmental, small and medium-sized businesses dedicated to renewable energies and energy saving, communities that already apply methods of adaptation and mitigation of climate change, indigenous and peasant organizations, local governments 'virtuous' unions. Without this convergence of political actors, the way to Durban is likely to remain a path between states, then guided exclusively by the urgency of reconciling a general national interest with the categorical imperative of economic growth. And as difficult as it will be difficult to derive a sharp reversal of direction.
Francesco Martone
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Friday, December 17, 2010
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A year has passed since the UN Climate Summit in Copenhagen, when they consumed a tear so far only partly been possible mend. Were complicit in this then the duplicity of the Danish Government, prone to the interests of the United States, the decisions of a Barack Obama still ahead in popularity polls, the low profile of the EU, and adopting a non-binding agreement pursued in a manner little inclusive and transparent.
Since then, the hardening of positions of the United States and China has in fact put up every possible step forward. The international media for weeks result we predict a low profile, mostly centered on concrete measures to the countries most vulnerable to climate change, putting all expectations for an agreement placed on emission reductions and the stabilization of global temperature to 2011 when governments will gather in Durban, South Africa.
And so the last preparatory meeting held in Tianjin in early October continued confrontation between the U.S. and China. China demands - also on behalf of the G77 - money and a clear commitment to meet the Kyoto constraints for countries that have ratified that agreement, extending the scheme also binding to the USA.
Washington - even more so after the electoral drubbing suffered by Obama's mid-term elections - will present a package of proposals slight, those already launched in Copenhagen for a 17% reduction in emissions from 2005 levels by 2020, (in a voluntary model that Kyoto would notice) to request a G77 and China by agreeing to reduce emissions controls on the use of funds for the climate.
To date the $ 30 billion announced in Copenhagen during the period 2010-2012 only 3 were actually allocated to programs adaptation, and about 5 for the protection of forests. To get an idea of \u200b\u200bproportion, it is estimated that by 2012 are needed for the meno100 billion dollars a year. Figures in the face of global military spending seem negligible: only in Italy for the purchase of a hundred fighter F35 is burn of € 29 billion while global military spending and go traveling around a trillion dollars.
The file "forest" may be the only possible step forward in Cancun. In truth about this almost everyone agrees that REDD (Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation) could be the ideal solution: a few spending commitments, to support mechanisms of absorption of greenhouse gases, without necessarily reducing them in rich countries, and in return money to pay off their tropical countries for revenue which should move to protect their forests.
REDD is likely to be, however, the mice born from the mountain, waiting for better times to the forthcoming summit in Durban. What is certain is that without a recognition of the importance of protecting biodiversity is likely to support the replacement of forests to plantations, perhaps biofuel, without a constraint on human rights and indigenous peoples, it risks triggering a gold rush green to indigenous lands by governments and businesses. While
with permits REDD emissions from industrialized countries and companies can continue to pollute. REDD could also fall into the trap of vetoes. Until a few weeks ago we speculated that Cancun could produce a series of decisions to concrete actions, including those on forests, climate fund structure, technology transfer, adaptation and mitigation monitoring program.
Now is a trend towards a single balanced document, as requested by the United States. All or nothing that's at stake in Cancun. All this may be insufficient, nothing a blow to the seal of the United Nations and multilateralism already severely strained over a year ago in the cold Danish capital.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
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There is a little discussed topic at the meeting on the fate of hundreds of Mexican indigenous groups and forest protection in exchange for financial support of developed countries, including Italy, which has begun to promise funds. The risk of land grabbing, to expel the indigenous communities and the forests turn into instruments of production of money, trampling on the rights and protection of ecosystems.
CANCUN - In the climate of mistrust that exists on the negotiations for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions of the COP16 United Nations in Cancun, there is little debate that an issue may decide the fate of hundreds of indigenous groups, the so-called programs REDD (Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation). Required a few years ago by the Coalition countries with tropical forests, primarily Panama, Costa Rica, Guyana, Papua New Guinea, to reactivate international negotiations at the UN on forest protection in exchange for financial support from the industrialized countries, including Italy, which has begun to promise funds. "These types of negotiations, however, are full of risks" - says Francesco Martone, of the NGO Forest Peoples Programme English 1, which accompanies the last two years as a political adviser to the indigenous delegations to the climate negotiations. The association Forest Peoples Programme, working in support to the indigenous peoples of tropical forests, for the recognition of their right to self-determination, to defend human rights and the ecosystems on which their livelihoods depend. A mechanism
risky. Last year in Copenhagen, was launched a program to support activities to protect forests REDD, for about $ 4 billion and today, in Mexico we discuss how to close the agreements. But what mechanism should provide incentives for REDD? Countries with tropical forests are committed to a date to be determined to reduce or stop deforestation in return would be rewarded with access to funds to cover the missed revenues of economic activities. REDD could provide an incentive to deforestation until the date set to be able to claim compensation higher and access to funds for REDD programs. "Forests as carbon sinks would be considered without giving full emphasis to other use values \u200b\u200band non-use, biodiversity, environmental services, and issues concerning the rights of indigenous peoples," says Martone. "The risk is to unleash what is known as land grabbing, a gold rush green expelling the indigenous communities and transforming the means of production forests in money."
The business of carbon. It is expected, in fact, that the projects can generate REDD carbon credits, and then open the forests to the carbon markets, allowing companies to continue to emit greenhouse gases to offset those emissions with the purchase of carbon credits. "An eventuality that has strong doubts about the marketing of forest that meets strong resistance from social movements, indigenous peoples and countries like Bolivia," said Martone. Indigenous peoples meeting in Cancun have developed specific requirements for governments not only in income but for the rest of the negotiations. "For many indigenous REDD is a menace, but also an opportunity to open a space for discussion with the respective governments, such as in Indonesia and Paraguay," says the director of Forest Peoples Programme. "This, provided that you acknowledge their fundamental rights, land, resources, self-determination, participation and prior informed consent, and their traditional knowledge. " All rights recognized in the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations and recognized recently by Canada, which together with the United States had not yet expressed in this regard.
The Italian position. REDD funding cuts and promised cooperation with the World Bank. In 2009 the Partnership was born in Copenhagen on an interim income, which joined the 54 countries, including Italy. At the last Conference on Biological Diversity in Nagoya, our country has announced the decision to allocate $ 100 million to international initiatives on income, including $ 5 million for a program administered by the World Bank, the so-called FCPF, Forest Carbon Partnership Facility 2. But where is the money given the cuts made to all funds for the cooperation in the Finance Act? "It is unclear, certainly from budgets of the Ministry of Environment since the announcement was made by the Minister Prestigiacomo," says Francesco Martone. "Certainly in times of cuts this financial commitment to bilateral cooperation opens up several questions, including the fragmentation of the funds of international cooperation between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Environment and Economy. These funds will be used to support programs that prepare for REDD initiatives, but it is not clear what are the conditions imposed Italy or if you ask the World Bank and other stakeholders to protect the rights or indigenous biodiversity or not to use the carbon markets. Whether or not these funds will be used to indirectly support business interests and Italian business in the forestry sector or through the purchase of emission permits. "
Decline of multilateral negotiations. Cancun could be a breaking point of the fatal role of the UN on the issue of climate change, according to Martone. The race to the bottom for a shared agreement seems to be the key to keep everyone at the negotiating table and hope for a more determined way to Durban in 2011. "Ambassador De Alba, Speaking at the meeting of the Indigenous Caucus, made it clear that this determination will not be sure from the rich countries but must be supplied by the civil society and the movements. " Movements, however, call for a sharp reversal of direction, towards the recognition of ecological debt and climate justice, and a clear exit from the trap of fossil fuels, rather than insisting on solutions such as carbon markets.
Paola Amicucci
Source: Repubblica.it
Monday, December 13, 2010
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Wednesday, November 10, 2010
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Two major reports have been around the world these days but have not crossed even smear of our national political debate, all focused on the imminent end vaticinate or not Berlusconi era , and the near future of the country. A country increasingly folded into himself, he does not know and do not want to look to the world than as a source of threats, from that posed by the financial crisis, those artfully constructed by mainstream media and some propaganda that borders on xenophobia invasion of migrants. Increasingly distant war in Afghanistan, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the next G20 Seoul, which should take measures necessary to tackle the financial crisis and prevent new ones. A country and a policy that read the situations that occur beyond its borders by repeating the logic of deployment, or other events as inevitable, or perhaps rather whose destinies will remain in the hands of governments or the international community. And rarely, if ever, you try to read the events from those who suffer these events, and therefore must be the starting point to envisage any possibility of political settlement. are dramatic news coming from Western Sahara, on the bloody repression against thousands made dal'esercito Moroccan Sahrawi camp on the outskirts of the capital's Al Aayoun. Not one made of blue plastic tents and rebuilt in the middle of the Algerian desert, but the "official" inhabited by Saharawi import. Settlers made to flow from Rabat in the gear green shortly after the armistice in 1975 ended the War of Independence, and in fact strengthened the Moroccan military occupation and the beginning of a nightmare for a people without state. Since then, every year the UN Security Council confirmed the mandate to a contingent of UN peacekeepers to oversee the cease-fire, and since then no real effort was made to organize the referendum which would establish the fate of the old English Sahara colony failed with the loss of the Franco regime. Thousands of Moroccan soldiers are stationed along a berm that separates the Western Sahara Sahrawi almost all the settlements in Algeria. A people, the Sahrawi, who decided the line of non-violence and confidence in international law, but now see all their hopes slowly fade away. Pressed for a young Sahrawi intifada, resist the elderly leader of the Polisario, even in the present difficulties, due to major defections to the other side of the historical leaders, one of them even make the Moroccan ambassador to Spain. Morocco, Algeria, Spain, United States, European Union, are the main actors Sahrawi in the story, chess players in an event that may mark not only the fate of a people but also keeping the option of non-violence and confidence in diplomacy and international law. For this reason, for this we must involve the Saharawi people, because their risk of disappearing the right, and crushed in the grip of conflicting geopolitical interests. Morocco key ally for Spain (just think of the question of Ceuta and Melilla and the externalization of border policies, concessions or deep sea fishing) and the United States, concerned not only the natural resources of Western Sahara but also to have allies in the fight against Islamic terrorism. And then there Algeria which uses the paper of decolonization and self-determination of the Sahrawi to try to gain an outlet to the sea over the Atlantic Ocean. The European Union is split on the issue Sahrawi historical ally with France in Morocco and found no better than to entrust the Lady Ashton a declaration low-profile, Meanwhile in New York are expected to resume formal negotiations between Polisario and Morocco, which this will force the Sahrawi to negotiate with a gun to his temple. While El Aayoun burns. Let's move to the mainland and the news from Burma (note well not use the term coined by the Myanmar military dictatorship) tell us about an exodus of refugees to the Thailand, after the obvious outcome of the election fraud, driven by the military junta - but then it was clear from the outset to those who had closely observed the constitutional process artfully manipulated by the generals. Thousands are fleeing for fear of rekindling the civil war between government troops and rebels of various ethnic groups. And the Nobel Prize for Peace Laureate Aung San Suu Kyi despite the listing of the junta remains in custody, after yet another bluff to the international community. Even if you follow the voices its imminent release, but the junta has made us accustomed to this continuous and exhausting push and pull. " China considers a strategic ally of Burma, for the control of the crucial arena for trade routes and for its energy resources. Neither more nor less than the Western transnational companies that have not had the zeal to disinvest from the country, and with the European Union that supports democracy in words but in fact calls into question the instrument of targeted sanctions to opt for an approach more open to dialogue. A sort constructive involvement similar to that behind which so far has also entrenched in Thailand, with thousands and thousands of Burmese refugees in Mae Sot for years and camped along the border. Thousands of men, women, children, whose lives and whose dignity is crushed again by geopolitical interests opposed to various regional and world powers. The men and women and children already elderly Sahrawi and Burmese can not be left at the mercy of a history made by the powerful, or simply dismissed as victims of their inevitable fate. Indeed a foreign policy of the left should, as suggested by the philosopher Judith Butler, in his latest work "Frame of War" "Frames of War," to grasp the importance of nonviolence and to do so beyond the vision that those people are predestined victims of war and requiring help. Rather, any possible political solution must start from the centrality of their dignity as human beings, whose fate not necessarily have to be victims of war or violation of their rights. And then we, who live far from the dramas we should take a step forward and establish our non-violent option on the recognition that we may one day be vulnerable, and so far we are saved only because we are in richer countries, most armed more powerful. That is why what is happening today in Western Sahara and in Burma there has to tap in from close as lovers of law, freedom and human rights, nonviolence, and diplomatic solution to conflict, but also because a new interpretation of those events we can draw inspiration for a hypothesis that the left centered on the human dignity of people and are up to their challenges.
Francesco Martone
Forum on International Politics of Left Ecology and Freedom
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