Friday, July 10, 2009

Cute Facebook Quotes For Picniks

Help! Such as development aid?

Since the Gleneagles summit a few years ago to today, the G8 countries
should have taken their commitment to devote increasing amounts
of their gross domestic product in the fight against poverty and international cooperation
. And the budgetary constraints caused by the global economic crisis
certainly can not be invoked as an excuse to fail
a commitment to justice and ecological and social debt repayment
accumulated by the developed countries to the world's majority.
However, the country now hosts and chairs the G8 has gradually fallen
among the last in terms of commitments to fight poverty:
in the last two years of the Berlusconi government cooperation has come to
If this were not enough, the G8 could mark the beginning of a new era
in the principles and strategies for the promotion of global public goods, from
by the aid and development cooperation. In the face of repeated appeals of the world non-governmental
to increase the odds of funding
cooperation and the fight against poverty, the G8 have made
miss the opportunity to propose a new vision
of development, in terms of "country system"
("whole of country" in the jargon of the Sherpas), a term
very bipartisan fashion even in our own political circles.
enough to remember the events of the abortion debate on the reform of Italian development cooperation
last term, when
was advanced by many the idea of \u200b\u200ba Foundation
public-private cooperation of the "Italian system". This
expansion of the concept of aid, to include also - as the OECD suggests
- military missions abroad (eg
thing is already done in England) would then to support
ODA an increasing share of private sector
, businesses, international foundations. The debate under way in
G8 on aid, it is therefore mirrors the debate
"national" development aid
now reduced to a mere "geographical expression" in the state budget. The 2009 G8
could then go down in history as the "trend-setter", the performed
of "political" and "cultural" at zero financial cost.
The same is true for the reform of global governance. Other than
reform and enlargement of the G8, the real risk is that the G8, although occasionally
expanded to other countries with emerging economies, is able to
undermine the United Nations in dealing with the now irrevocable process
review of the structure of government economic and financial global
of Bretton Woods. If we add to this
the issue of climate change, and the determination of
Italian government to use the Kyoto Protocol against itself, then you
may agree that the summit in 2009 could become the first
Summit taste and inspiration "neo-con", just when Washington
Obama has relegated the advent of the neocons in the wreckage of


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