Friday, July 10, 2009

When Does Colyte Work

From G8 to G20 without the United Nations

some time now, the G8 is considered obsolete, inappropriate and illegitimate
for proposals and solutions to global emergencies, often caused by
same choices of environmental policy, economic, industrial and commercial
countries that belong to it. However, rather than a revival of areas
political democratic, transparent and multilateral measures that are adapted to the new structure
multipolar global governance, the political agenda of the G8 Italian
threatens to deal a new blow to multilateralism. A few months ago
spoke at length, in the wake of economic and financial crises, reform of the G8
and other financial institutions. It was thought that the collapse of global financial and economic model
could lead to innovative solutions, even after the
decision of the UN General Assembly President, Miguel D'Escoto
, to convene a UN summit on global finance as a
relapse of the work of a task force convened by the same
d'Escoto, whose head was put to the Nobel prize for economics Joseph Stiglitz
. Even then opened a dispute with the hard
G20 countries and the G8 only a few hours after news of the appointment of
Stiglitz, announced the date and place where he would be taking the first
extraordinary G8 on financial crisis by extending
the invitation to other countries with emerging economies such as G20 and reconfiguring.
It is worth mentioning that in terms of "institutional" the Bretton Woods Conference
(which were established
International Monetary Fund and World Bank) was in the process of
founding of the United Nations and therefore this would necessarily
refer. Even if it was decided that
World Bank and IMF would not have been
UN specialized agencies, but rather linked to the UN system through
agreements. The main objective was to preserve the model
undemocratic decision-making still exists in World Bank
Monetary Fund and the "one dollar one vote" (in which the G8 countries
hold the majority of the votes) than the UN of "
one person, one vote" .. This tug of war between G8/G20 and
UN has had its peak in June at the UN Conference on
global finance, in fact opposed to the last
from the countries of the G20 and then scaled significantly in its scope.
on the basis of these political processes, the climate and the
on economic and financial crisis, we can infer that the summit of the Eagle
if little or nothing will be proposed in terms of financial commitments
is likely to be at to further strengthen
new trends in the underlying mechanisms of global governance. What
the practice of "multilateralism à la carte multilateralism, or select. Other
that reform of the G8, or enlargement of that consensus,
already discredited, and not entitled to decide for the rest of humanity.
Just read between the lines of the statements already made a few months ago by Silvio Berlusconi
to understand that the G8 did not touch
in its substance. Under the Italian Presidency of the G8 was
expanded to other countries, but not as an afterthought of the formula
G8. Groups of countries were invited or summoned to the second theme
or urgency of the case, whether they are the so-called Outreach 5
(O5), or MEM (countries share responsibility for the emissions of greenhouse gases), or
Least Developed Countries (LDCs) or African countries
Africa Partnership Forum . The G8 de l'Aquila thus risks reinforcing a
conformation of governance variable geometry, in which the
United Nations would be only "one among equals" and not the frame of reference
regulatory and policy for a "new economic and political governance


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