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Wednesday, November 10, 2010
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Two major reports have been around the world these days but have not crossed even smear of our national political debate, all focused on the imminent end vaticinate or not Berlusconi era , and the near future of the country. A country increasingly folded into himself, he does not know and do not want to look to the world than as a source of threats, from that posed by the financial crisis, those artfully constructed by mainstream media and some propaganda that borders on xenophobia invasion of migrants. Increasingly distant war in Afghanistan, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the next G20 Seoul, which should take measures necessary to tackle the financial crisis and prevent new ones. A country and a policy that read the situations that occur beyond its borders by repeating the logic of deployment, or other events as inevitable, or perhaps rather whose destinies will remain in the hands of governments or the international community. And rarely, if ever, you try to read the events from those who suffer these events, and therefore must be the starting point to envisage any possibility of political settlement. are dramatic news coming from Western Sahara, on the bloody repression against thousands made dal'esercito Moroccan Sahrawi camp on the outskirts of the capital's Al Aayoun. Not one made of blue plastic tents and rebuilt in the middle of the Algerian desert, but the "official" inhabited by Saharawi import. Settlers made to flow from Rabat in the gear green shortly after the armistice in 1975 ended the War of Independence, and in fact strengthened the Moroccan military occupation and the beginning of a nightmare for a people without state. Since then, every year the UN Security Council confirmed the mandate to a contingent of UN peacekeepers to oversee the cease-fire, and since then no real effort was made to organize the referendum which would establish the fate of the old English Sahara colony failed with the loss of the Franco regime. Thousands of Moroccan soldiers are stationed along a berm that separates the Western Sahara Sahrawi almost all the settlements in Algeria. A people, the Sahrawi, who decided the line of non-violence and confidence in international law, but now see all their hopes slowly fade away. Pressed for a young Sahrawi intifada, resist the elderly leader of the Polisario, even in the present difficulties, due to major defections to the other side of the historical leaders, one of them even make the Moroccan ambassador to Spain. Morocco, Algeria, Spain, United States, European Union, are the main actors Sahrawi in the story, chess players in an event that may mark not only the fate of a people but also keeping the option of non-violence and confidence in diplomacy and international law. For this reason, for this we must involve the Saharawi people, because their risk of disappearing the right, and crushed in the grip of conflicting geopolitical interests. Morocco key ally for Spain (just think of the question of Ceuta and Melilla and the externalization of border policies, concessions or deep sea fishing) and the United States, concerned not only the natural resources of Western Sahara but also to have allies in the fight against Islamic terrorism. And then there Algeria which uses the paper of decolonization and self-determination of the Sahrawi to try to gain an outlet to the sea over the Atlantic Ocean. The European Union is split on the issue Sahrawi historical ally with France in Morocco and found no better than to entrust the Lady Ashton a declaration low-profile, Meanwhile in New York are expected to resume formal negotiations between Polisario and Morocco, which this will force the Sahrawi to negotiate with a gun to his temple. While El Aayoun burns. Let's move to the mainland and the news from Burma (note well not use the term coined by the Myanmar military dictatorship) tell us about an exodus of refugees to the Thailand, after the obvious outcome of the election fraud, driven by the military junta - but then it was clear from the outset to those who had closely observed the constitutional process artfully manipulated by the generals. Thousands are fleeing for fear of rekindling the civil war between government troops and rebels of various ethnic groups. And the Nobel Prize for Peace Laureate Aung San Suu Kyi despite the listing of the junta remains in custody, after yet another bluff to the international community. Even if you follow the voices its imminent release, but the junta has made us accustomed to this continuous and exhausting push and pull. " China considers a strategic ally of Burma, for the control of the crucial arena for trade routes and for its energy resources. Neither more nor less than the Western transnational companies that have not had the zeal to disinvest from the country, and with the European Union that supports democracy in words but in fact calls into question the instrument of targeted sanctions to opt for an approach more open to dialogue. A sort constructive involvement similar to that behind which so far has also entrenched in Thailand, with thousands and thousands of Burmese refugees in Mae Sot for years and camped along the border. Thousands of men, women, children, whose lives and whose dignity is crushed again by geopolitical interests opposed to various regional and world powers. The men and women and children already elderly Sahrawi and Burmese can not be left at the mercy of a history made by the powerful, or simply dismissed as victims of their inevitable fate. Indeed a foreign policy of the left should, as suggested by the philosopher Judith Butler, in his latest work "Frame of War" "Frames of War," to grasp the importance of nonviolence and to do so beyond the vision that those people are predestined victims of war and requiring help. Rather, any possible political solution must start from the centrality of their dignity as human beings, whose fate not necessarily have to be victims of war or violation of their rights. And then we, who live far from the dramas we should take a step forward and establish our non-violent option on the recognition that we may one day be vulnerable, and so far we are saved only because we are in richer countries, most armed more powerful. That is why what is happening today in Western Sahara and in Burma there has to tap in from close as lovers of law, freedom and human rights, nonviolence, and diplomatic solution to conflict, but also because a new interpretation of those events we can draw inspiration for a hypothesis that the left centered on the human dignity of people and are up to their challenges.
Francesco Martone
Forum on International Politics of Left Ecology and Freedom